Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Evaluations of The Third Interview

Here is The link to the evaluations of the third interview

For the third interview, the winner in my head is Laci Brune.

The parameters that I used again were the same ones. Overall I think Laci did a good job on her second interview.

First, Laci has all the elements covered in the preparation and description parts. Finding an interviewee by e-mailing is a pretty good strategy. You can e-mail a bunch of international student once and there must some willing student getting back to you, which sounds like a good idea. Moreover, there is no need to worry about what if they will turn you down because you don’t have to ask them in person.

Second, I didn’t give her full credits on country report because I think she could have expanded her country report a little bit.

Third, I like her interview part. I like her questions. By reading the answers, I gain some knowledge on Germany. By listening the response from the German student, Laci had a sense that he was in fond of the United States and she chose not to responde was a right thing to do.

Finally, Laci’s interview is also a very readable one. Good visual appearance! I could found every element easily. I didn’t find many errors.

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